Deborah and Noam's Books
Recipes and Stories from Israel by Deborah Cohen
Deborah's heart is that you will gather friends and family in your kitchen for recipe-making parties full of joy and laughter. You can read the stories together, set your table in fun and creative ways, then sit and enjoy the bounty of whatever you decide to make.
May the Lord's Presence fill your home as you thank Him for fulfilling His Word proclaiming Israel as His Covenant Land to His People. And when you come to Israel, you will have a better understanding and appreciation of the place and the people that God has so abundantly blessed!
Why The Holocaust - Destination Israel by Noam Cohen
This is a book for Jews, Christians, and anyone else who would like to understand the Holocaust. We explore the facts and possible explanations for that horrific event.
What did the Jews learn from the Holocaust? That we must have a country and an army of our own so it could not happen again. But what did my people learn spiritually? What has changed in the walk of faith of the Jews?
Now let’s ask another question...what did the Christians learn from the Holocaust?
It is important for all of us, Jews and Christians alike, to learn from the past in order to be prepared for the future. As antisemitism has raised its ugly head again, we must be alert and aware to walk in the Spirit and hear what the God of Israel is saying to each of us.
$5.00 S&H
The Ninja and the Pastor – by Noam and Deborah Cohen
Avinoam Ezra Cohen (Noam) was born to a traditional Jewish family in Jerusalem and had experienced the first Lebanon war as a tank commander in the IDF. Discouraged after seeing friends die, he went to Japan to seek ” The Way” and to learn the martial art of the Ninja, only to be forced to return to Israel 21 years later, broken, with one suitcase in hand.
Deborah (Debbie) was born and raised in the small town of Bellingham, Washington, in the northwest corner of the United States. She pastored a vibrant church and traveled to many countries ministering the Word of God in meetings, on radio, and on many tours to Israel. After 17 years of ministry, everything in her life fell apart and she wound up traveling one more time to Israel, also broken and with one suitcase in hand.
This is the story of a Jewish man’s journey to seek truth and to finally find it in his Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus), with the help of an American pastor named Deborah. And it is a story of romance after the shock, grief and trauma of divorce. The Ninja and the Pastor met and were healed together as they walked in “His Way”!
+$5.00 S&H
The Biblical Essence of Wine. To Life…L’Chaim! – by Deborah Cohen
Wine or grape juice? What did Jesus drink? What was His culture like? What did most people have on their table at mealtime? Is it okay for a Christian to drink wine today? Based on her study of Scripture, Deborah Cohen brings fresh perspective on the issue of wine in the Bible and why it is important to know God’s purpose for it.
“One of the reasons I am writing this book is to explain the word covenant in the cup of wine that was offered by Yeshua two thousand years ago and to understand what it means.” “It is no coincidence that the first manifestation of the Glory of God through Jesus was at a wedding feast where He turned the water into wine.” “It was a natural part of everyday life in the Jewish culture. The question whether the wine itself was good or bad was never up for debate.”
Deborah explains the significance of the process of wine-tasting and how the 5 senses of sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste come alive with a renewed awareness of the covenant cup that Yeshua presented to us. 1 Corinthians 15:46 – But it is not the spiritual that is first, but the physical, and then the spiritual.” “The old way of ceremonial washing cleansed you on the outside, but the water-turned-into-wine, representing the blood, cleanses you on the inside.”
+$5.00 S&H
A Cry of Every Woman’s Heart…to be Loved – by Deborah Cohen
+$5.00 S&H
The Ninja and the Pastor by Noam and Deborah Cohen / CHINESE VERSION
CHINESE VERSION of The Ninja and the Pastor
He came from the east, she came from the west. He was into martial arts and new age, and she was an American pastor. Both dying inside, they met in the lowest place on Earth – the Dead Sea, Israel.
Avinoam Ezra Cohen (Noam) was born to a traditional Jewish family in Jerusalem and had experienced the first Lebanon war as a tank commander in the IDF. Discouraged after seeing friends die, he went to Japan to seek ” The Way” and to learn the martial art of the Ninja, only to be forced to return to Israel 21 years later, broken, with one suitcase in hand.
Deborah (Debbie) was born and raised in the small town of Bellingham, Washington, in the northwest corner of the United States. She pastored a vibrant church and traveled to many countries ministering the Word of God in meetings, on radio, and on many tours to Israel. After 17 years of ministry, everything in her life fell apart and she wound up traveling one more time to Israel, also broken and with one suitcase in hand.
This is the story of a Jewish man’s journey to seek truth and to finally find it in his Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus), with the help of an American pastor named Deborah. And it is a story of romance after the shock, grief and trauma of divorce. The Ninja and the Pastor met and were healed together as they walked in “His Way”!
+$5.00 S&H
The Ninja and the Pastor by Noam and Deborah Cohen / SPANISH VERSION
SPANISH VERSION of The Ninja and the Pastor:
He came from the east, she came from the west. He was into martial arts and new age, and she was an American pastor. Both dying inside, they met in the lowest place on Earth – the Dead Sea, Israel.
Avinoam Ezra Cohen (Noam) was born to a traditional Jewish family in Jerusalem and had experienced the first Lebanon war as a tank commander in the IDF. Discouraged after seeing friends die, he went to Japan to seek ” The Way” and to learn the martial art of the Ninja, only to be forced to return to Israel 21 years later, broken, with one suitcase in hand.
Deborah (Debbie) was born and raised in the small town of Bellingham, Washington, in the northwest corner of the United States. She pastored a vibrant church and traveled to many countries ministering the Word of God in meetings, on radio, and on many tours to Israel. After 17 years of ministry, everything in her life fell apart and she wound up traveling one more time to Israel, also broken and with one suitcase in hand.
This is the story of a Jewish man’s journey to seek truth and to finally find it in his Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus), with the help of an American pastor named Deborah. And it is a story of romance after the shock, grief and trauma of divorce. The Ninja and the Pastor met and were healed together as they walked in “His Way”!
+$5.00 S&H